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Abhay Tiwari

Passionate about Software Development


Hello there! I am Abhay Tiwari , working as SDE at Jio Platforms Ltd. I have recently graduated with B.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology Patna ( IIT Patna ). I have good experience in backend development. I am always up for new and challenging opportunities.My tech stack includes Javascript and python. I prefer NodeJS for server side and scripting and Javascript for the frontend. I use Express framework for the server side development and React for the frontend development.I also have good knowledge about Python.


🚀 SWE Intern
Bytelearn Edtech Pvt Ltd
Apr 2022 - Oct 2023 [ 18 months ]
  • Worked with the solver team to power the AI based Math solver. Handled different chapters and enabled the chatbot to solve different types of mathematical problems handling different cases and scenarios.
  • Contributed over 10,000 lines of code which is being used by thousands of students daily.
  • Contributed to the overall planning and discussion on design and implementation.
🚀 SWE Intern
Bhumio Inc.
Jan 2022 - Feb 2022
  • Integrated google calendar to the react app where users can directly and update events to their google calendar.
  • Added debouncing effect to input field and fixed several UI bugs.
  • Added several components like cards and styled switch components using MUI.
🚀 Bubble Developer Intern
Jun 2022 - Jul 2022
  • Designed the complete dashboard & landing page for GoChankaya website using Bubble tool
  • Implemented complete user authentication and onboarding process.
🚀 Backend Developer
E Cell IIT Patna
Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
  • Developed a user-friendly web application , Startup Portal in NodeJS for Job Posting and Job Application for E – Cell.
  • Implemented RESTful backend web-service in Javascript to get , apply and post jobs for companies and students.
  • Implemented authentication & services like messaging for email services using nodemailer.


B. Tech

IIT Patna
2019 - Present



High School

St. Xavier's High School


Review Project

A user-friendly mern stack app for college


A MERN app which tracks your daily expenses

Face Detection

A web app which can detect faces

Transcript Generator

A gui-based application to Generate semster-wise marksheet

Covid Tracker

A website which can track current status of Covid 19

Marksheet Generator

A gui-based application to Generate and mail quiz marksheet